Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Value of Time

The Value of Time

Time, it never does what you want it to. When you are having so much fun it just seems to fly away. When you are tired and ready to go home and get in bed, it seems to drag on and on. For the person with a terminal illness it seems to pass so quickly, and yet to the child who wishes he was older it seems to never come.

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
James 4:14

I must admit this has been an exciting time for me. Time has flown so fast since November 20th. Yet at the same time it seems like it is taking an eternity to get to March 19th (Our wedding date). It seems like time moves so quickly when we think about all the things we need to plan for the wedding. Other times it seems like time is moving as slow as molasses, especially when I think of strolling the sandy beaches with my bride on our honeymoon.

Tonight Samantha and I were talking about time. How it can seem like we are spending so little time together now, but how we will be able to spend almost every moment with each other after the wedding.

Then God showed me this wonderful thought, the reason I am content with waiting till we are married is because I am looking forward to the marriage. Dont get me wrong I am having a blast being betrothed, but I do not intend to spend all my days betrothed, I am looking forward to the marriage!

So it is with us Christians, we are in this world but we are not of this world. We long for the day to see Jesus face to face. We are not living for earthly pleasures, but heavenly! We are here on this earth for a short time, and that short time ought to be dedicated to working for the Lord to get people saved from hell. We ought to not live our lives focused only on this world, but rather looking ahead to the day that we meet our bride-groom the Lord Jesus Christ. This time on this earth is like the engagement period. Sure we enjoy it, but that is not main goal. The main goal is the wedding, when we are raptured out of here and are brought to the marriage supper of the Lamb.

And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed [are] they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
Revelation 19:9

I must admit, I desire to be with Samantha so much, but I know that right now that is not the time for it. Now is the time to work and prepare for her. But I know that soon I will get to spend as much time with her as she will let me. We will get to ride in the same car, WITH OUT A CHAPERONE!  We will get to say goodnight in person and wake up in person. We will get to enjoy each other as God designed, with all purity. We will get to hold hands as much as we want, and even while walking into church!

Yes I'm excited to spend time with Samantha now, but I know that its just not practical to be with her all the time, nor is it healthy or wise. But I am content, with the limited time we have. Why? Because I am looking forward to a day when I will be her husband, and she my wife. And we get to be with each other forever.

P.S. Samantha, I want you to know that I treasure you so much and am so blessed to have the ability to share my life with you. I am so excited to travel through this life with you by my side. I am so excited to serve God in the ministry with you. I know God created you for me and me for you. Thank you.

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